Writing is a creative and individual act, which makes it all the more perplexing that so many people can make a common search engine optimization copywriting mistake: focusing too heavily on keywords.
Make no mistake – having the right search phrases in your content, particularly on places like page titles and headings, is important for attracting visitors to your website. But it’s important to remember that it’s not the only thing that matters and that too many keywords can drown out your marketing message.
This is partly because search engines are getting more sophisticated and don’t rely purely on keyword matches anymore. Google takes a lot of its information from context, meaning you don’t have to be so repetitive with your keywords and phrases. In fact, you can probably do better by mixing your copy up a bit, since long-tail searchers are becoming more and more prevalent.
More to the point though, actual buyers don’t like text with too much search engine optimization thrown in. Since your job is to convince buyers to buy, enhancing the SEO value of your page is important but secondary.
Don’t make the big mistake in SEO copywriting. Pay attention to keywords, but don’t focus on them so much that you write pages that aren’t persuasive and informative. As always, we are here to help you with our SEO consulting service.
from Austin Web Design Company | Lucid Crew http://www.lucidcrew.com/austin-seo/the-big-mistake-in-seo-copywriting/